2003 APHA Grullo Tobiano Mare – 14.2hh
APHA# 742,475
A Breeze Of Class (Ris Key Business) x QT Holly Dee (Q T Poco Streke)
“Rio” is a sweet nature mare, really laid back and a pleasure to work with. She is one of the first horses to come up to you in the field, and loves attention. She has done a lot of traveling in her life – originally born and raised in Missouri, USA then imported to Canada by Brandi Leanne of Puggins Mountain Paint Horses, British Colombia, Canada in the winter of 2010. She came to us in the fall of 2012. We gave her a winter refresher course in saddle work and she too is a great addition in our lessons program teaching students as young as 4 years old.
Shown Youth Showmanship, Green Horse Showmanship, Youth Trail, Green Horse Trail, Youth Equitation, Youth Western Pleasure, Green Horse Western Pleasure.
Won Reserve Green Horse at her first show (as a 13 year old) and Reserve Green Horse (off by 1 point from the Champion) at her second show out of 20 riders with her 11 year old rider.
PAC Point Earner (Trail 5, Walk/Trot 4)
APHA Point Earner:
Hunt Seat Equitation (1)

Sheza Riol QT Kee Per
Grullo Tobiano Filly
May 13th, 2013
Sire: FH What Was I Thankin (APHA)
Money Earner
APHA Point Earner:
Halter, Longe Line, In Hand Trail, Reining,
PAC Point Earner:
Halter, English Pleasure, Reining, Trail, Walk/Jog

QTs Livin Ris Key
Dunskin Tobiano Filly
April 16th,2015
Sire: QTs Rhinestone Cowboy
Money Earner
APHA Point Earner:
Halter, Showmanship, In Hand Trail, Lunge Line, Western Horsemanship
PAC Point Earner:
Showmanship, Trail

QT Be Cruzin
Bay Tobiano Filly
May 2nd, 2017
Sire: A Tru QT Cruzn To Win
Money Earner – Weanling & Yearling Halter Futurities, Longe Line Futurities ($430.50)
APHA Point Earner:
Halter, Showmanship, In Hand Trail, Lunge Line, Color Class

Bay Tobiano Filly
April 26th, 2021
Sire: A Tru QT Cruzn To Win
QTs Ris Key Rio (Rio) has officially been retired from our breeding program.