You or your child are about to start in the Meadow Brook Stables Lesson Program. I’ve tried to outline all the details you will need to know pertaining to lessons. First off we ask that you fill out the following forms:
You or your child will not be able to participate without filling out these forms. Everything is filled out Online – there is no need to Print these off. We are emailed a completed version of each form – and you will be as well for your own records.
Please remember Priority for Lesson Spaces will be given by those that pay Monthly then Weekly, as well as those booking Semi-Private or Small Group over Private. You will still be responsible for ALL Scheduled Lessons. We will be still booking Lesson Spaces for 1 Month at a time.
Guide To Starting Lessons
Please follow the link above and read through the Guide that covers a lot of the questions our First-Timers have about Lessons.

Here are the 2023 Lesson Rates:
The Regular Lessons for Private, Semi-Private and Group Lessons please expect to be here 10-15 Minutes before your lesson time starts and 10-15 minutes after your lesson has concluded. This allows us to give you as much instruction time as possible and time in the saddle. This allows for time in the beginning of the lesson to catch your Horse, Groom them Tack them as well as time at the end of the lesson to remove their Tack, Groom them and put your Horse back in their respective Paddock.
THE EXCEPTION to this would be for NEW RIDERS where your lesson will start at the start of your lesson time as you will need assistance from your Instructor. Your Instructor will let you know when you should start arriving early for your Lesson Time.
Tiny Tots:

Our Tiny Tots Lessons are for Students that are Aged 6-7 Years Old who require full assistance from their Instructor to Catch, Groom, and Tack their Pony. These lessons are 1 hour in length, and students show up for the start of the lesson for example the lesson starts at 3pm, the Instructor will go with the Student to Catch their Pony, or bring the Pony to the Student. The lesson will conclude at 4pm by putting the Pony back in their paddock. This is for the safety of the students, as they will not be left unattended at any time with their Pony, and the Instructor will have full attention on the student at all times. Once the Student is able to prove they can safely, catch, groom, tack and ride without assistance (on the lead line), then they will be able to Graduate to Private or Semi-Private Lessons.
We are only able to accommodate one make-up lesson a month. If you are unable to make more than one lesson a month that lesson will be forfeit unfortunately. Also keep in mind if you need to reschedule a lesson there may be a fee for changing from a Semi-Private Lesson to a Private Lesson.
If you need to cancel a lesson or reschedule please contact Anna directly 1(902)956-4794.

Thanks for choosing Meadow Brook Stables and we are looking forward to being a part of you or your child’s Horsemanship Journey.